⚡️The second joint summit of Islamic civilization currents will be held on May 23, 2024, in the city of Qom, the cradle of civilization, with the elucidation of 8 issues related to Islamic civilization.
This summit pursues the issue of civilization-building based on the comprehensive map of Islamic civilization. This civilizational map theorizes the movement towards Islamic civilization along nine axes:
1- Imamat (leadership) and governance,
2- Science and research methods,
3- Tazkiah (Purification) and cleansing,
4- Makasib and commerce,
5- Nafy-e-Sabil Rule (Non-Dependency Rule),
6- Discipline and time,
7- Expression and poetry,
8- Furqan (discrimination between right and wrong) and evaluation,
9- Ibrat (lesson/warning) and cultural heritage.