⭕️ Sentence #american_police_officer to death.
کانال تاملات حقوقی
⭕️ Apartheid is the clear breach of human rights.
⭕️ Sentence #american_police_officer to death.
کانال تاملات حقوقی
⭕️ This is the last voice of the #oppressed_blackman
#George_Floyd :
"I can't breathe"
⭕️ آخرین صدای سیاهپوست مظلوم:
"نمی توانم نفس بکشم. "
US protests against the #systemic_mistreatmentof_blacks by police have sparked violent #confrontations.
#Criminal_president, Donald #Trump has said the military is "ready, willing and able'' to step in.
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