⭕️ The formation of Israel in the holy Quds is a colonial project in the region and based on the ethnic genocide and appartide.
It is clearly incompatible with the International law and rules.
کانال تاملات حقوقی
هدایت شده از تاملات حقوقی
⭕️ The formation of Israel in the holy Quds is a colonial project in the region and based on the ethnic genocide and appartide.
It is clearly incompatible with the International law and rules.
کانال تاملات حقوقی
The day of QUDS
⭕️ Imam khamenei:
⭕️ Israel is a "cancerous tumor" that will be eliminated.
⭕️Fight to liberate Palestine is an Islamic duty.
⭕️ Israel will not survive.
⭕️ Israel is a "cancerous gland" in the west of Asia.
کانال تاملات حقوقی