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تاملات و تجربیات یک طلبه خارجی @SayyidHaidar
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The Bliss of Anonymity - Sh Ibrahim Hadi 22 Bahman Part 1.m4a
💠 The Bliss of Anonymity 💠 🎙 منبر‌ مجازی به مناسبت سالروز گمنام شدن شهید ابراهیم هادی 🇬🇧 زبان / 1⃣ قسمت اول @talabekhariji
The Bliss of Anonymity - Sh Ibrahim Hadi 22 Bahman Part 2.m4a
💠 The Bliss of Anonymity 💠 🎙 منبر‌ مجازی به مناسبت سالروز گمنام شدن شهید ابراهیم هادی 🇬🇧 زبان / 2⃣ قسمت دوم @talabekhariji
💠 The Narration of the Calling Angel 💠 🔅 Āyatullāh Shaykh Mīrzā Āghā Malikī At-Tabrīzī ق writes that one of the spiritual duties of those seeking Divine proximity, during the sacred month of Rajab, is to remember the Narration of the Calling Angel. This narration should be remembered from the beginning of this blessed month until its end. The text and translation of the narrarion is as follows. 🌿------------------------------------🌿 🔹 عن النبي (ص) أنه قال It is related that the Messenger of Allāh (ص) stated: 🔹إن الله تعالى نصب في السماء السابعة ملكا يقال له الداعي 🔸'Surely Allāh has appointed an angel in the seventh heaven who is called 'the Caller' (ad-Dā

🔹فإذا دخل شهر رجب ينادي ذلك الملك كل ليلة منه إلى الصباح

🔸When the month of Rajab begins, that angel calls out during every night of Rajab, until the morning:

🔹طوبى للذاكرين

🔸'Glad tidings to those who remember!

🔹طوبى للطائعين

🔸Glad tidings to those who obey!

🔹و يقول الله تعالى:

🔸And Allāh, the Exalted, says:

🔹أنا جليس من جالسني

🔸'I sit in the company of one who sits with Me

🔹ومطيع من أطاعني

🔸And I obey the one who obeys me

🔹وغافر من استغفرني

🔸I am the Forgiver for whoever seeks My forgiveness

🔹الشهر شهري

🔸The month is My month

🔹والعبد عبدي

🔸The servant is My servant

🔹والرحمة رحمتي

🔸And the mercy is My mercy

🔹فمن دعاني في هذا الشهر أجبته

🔸So whoever calls Me during this month I shall answer him

🔹ومن سألني أعطيته

🔸And whoever asks Me, I shall give him

🔹ومن استهداني هديته

🔸And whoever seeks My guidance, I shall guide him

🔹وجعلت هذا الشهر حبلا بيني وبين عبادي

🔸And I have made this month a rope between Myself and My servants

🔹فمن اعتصم به وصل إلي

🔸So whoever holds on to this rope firmly shall reach Me'


📔 Al-Murāqabāt; A
mālus Sanah - Āyatullāh Shaykh Mīrzā Āghā Malikī At-Tabrīzī ق @talabekhariji
🔆 The Day I Met an Angel 🔆 🌅 I'll never forget his radiant face. He had come from Saudi Arabia to London for his son's treatment. His son Hassan was thirteen years old. He had fallen terribly ill and thus his father had brought him to London in the hope that the doctors there could cure him. 🕌 I met Hassan's father at the mosque. I was a kid and had been at Qur'ān class with the other children. Now it was time for the prayer. I went to collect a 'Turbah' and it was then that I met him. He had the most wonferful mannerisms. He was kind and filled with warmth. It was as if the light of Faith illuminated his face. After saying salām, he spoke to us in English. I still remember the words that he said: 💠 "Remember the Ahlulbayt and especially Imam al-Mahdi ع. Every one of them is alive but Imam al-Mahdi ع is among us" 📈 In the coming days I would get to know him more. One of my friends became very close to him during this time. Once I went to visit his son in hospital with my friend and Hassan's father. I went inside the room. Hassan was lying there on the bed surrounded with medical equipment. He couldn't move. Even his eyes were not moving. I prayed for his recovery. But Allāh, the Exalted, had a different plan. 👨‍⚕ I remember exiting the room to find Hassan's father speaking to some doctors. The doctors were telling him that it was very unlikely Hassan would survive. Hassan's father stayed very calm, just as he always was. He said: 💠 "He belongs to God. And if God wants to take him back then there is no problem in that" 💔 In the coming nights I discovered that Hassan had a brother who had jumped into a swimming pool and drowned. His father mentioned this memory once and he remained calm as ever. When he saw the sadness in the reaction of some of those listening, he said "no problem. He belonged to Allāh and Allāh took him back" 📞 Some days later my friend called my home. My mother picked up. My friend was very sad. He asked my mother to convey a message to me. She asked if he would like to speak to me himself but he said he preferred if she told me. 🕯 After putting the phone down my mother told me that Hassan had passed away... 🏮 I never saw Hassan's father again. But he left a mark in my heart which has remained with me until now. Its as if some people are sent to touch your heart... to teach you that in a world of darkness it is still possible to be a beacon of light. Ahmad - Hassan's father- was a beacon of light for me. He was like an angel sent in the form of a human being. 🔹 He told me to remember Imam al-Mahdi ع as he is among us. 🔸And he taught me that a true believer sees everything as belonging to the Beloved. And thus a true believer is never disheartened by the tribulations of this world. His faith grants him a luminosity that surrounds him like a halo of light. And his belief in Allāh makes him firmer than a mountain. For a mountain may move from its place, but a true believer will never be separated from his faith. @talabekhariji
Alī ع is my Master... 🌸🌷

Alī ع is my master, my love and my way Hassan ع is my leader and with him I stay The father of freedom is none but Hussain ع Sajjād ع ; his prostrations have shown me the way The splitter of knowledge, Oh Bāqir ع are you Oh Şādiq ع ; the truthful hearts find peace in you The Door of Acceptance, Oh Kāżim ع you are God's love is
Alī ibn Mūsa ar-Riďā ع 

From al-Jawād's ع hands everyone receives
Al-Hādī ع is the guide who never deceives
And al-
Askarī ع ; you're the oppressed Imām Oh Awaited One; pleace accept my salām! @talabekhariji
Read, Oh Muhammad ص ! In the name of He Who taught by the pen Read, Oh Muhammad ص ! The world is thirsty for light again Read, Oh Muhammad ص ! By He Who created from a clot of blood Read, Oh Muhammad ص ! Blow life once more into the hearts of men @talabekhariji
Recognizing Man in the Light of Munajat Shabaniyya.m4a
🎙 سخنرانی به مناسبت اعیاد شعبانیه 🔹 موضوع / ادعیه اهل بیت، منبع انسان شناسی 🗣 سخنران / بنده حقیر 🇬🇧 زبان / انگلیسی 🕌 هیئت هفتگی Students of Qom 🙏🏼 از دوستان عزیزی که زحمت جلسه را کشیدند و بنده را لایق دانستند در خدمت محبین امام زمان علیه اسلام باشم، سپاسگزارم @talabekhariji
🌷-----------------یا مهدی---------------🌷 Owner of exalted stations! Oh hope of each oppressed nation! Oh beloved! Please appear soon And end this long separation! 🌷-----------------یا مهدی---------------🌷 @talabekhariji
🌍 Three Languages You NEED to Know! 🌍 🌿 In my humble opinion, I truly believe that in today's world, every Muslim should strive to learn three languages: Arabic, English and Persian. 1⃣ Arabic is the language of the Noble Qur'ān and the lofty teachings of Islām were conveyed to man by means of this language. In order to access those teachings, one must enter through the door of the Arabic language. 💠 Allāh, the Exalted, states: 📜 إِنَّا أَنْزَلْنَاهُ قُرْآنًا عَرَبِيًّا لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ 'Surely We have made it descend as an Arabic Qur'ān that you may use your reason' 📝 (Qur'ān 12:2) ✅ Apart from this, much of the Muslim world speaks Arabic. And many non-Arabic speaking Muslims, too, strive to learn this language. It is the international language of Islām. That is how it is viewed by both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. It is only befitting that a Muslim strives to master it. 🔆 Furthermore, in order to know the developments in the Muslim world, this language is of utmost importance. 2⃣ The second language that every Muslim should try to master is Persian. The reason for that is simple: the Islamic Revolution. In order to understand the meanings being conveyed by the two Imams of the Revolution, one must know Persian. 👳🏽‍♂ Furthermore, many great scholars of Islam today write and teach in Persian. Therefore, learning this language will open a door to a world of Islāmic knowledge. 🇮🇷 Also, the Islamic Republic of Iran today plays a crucial political role in the developments of the Muslim (and in fact, entire) world. Thus it is important for a Muslim to be aware of issues related to the Islamic Republic. In order to do that accurately, one must know Persian. 3⃣ The third language that is of immense importance in today's world is English. English has become the standard international language of our world. And it is useless to deny that. In order to know the events unfolding in our world this language is crucial. 🇺🇸 Furthermore today it is the thoughts and culture of Western civilisation that dominates our world. In order to combat the evils of the West, one must be able to access its thoughts and ideas. 🦋 The likes of the great Shahīd Muțahharī ره expressed regret that they had to rely on translations of the works of English writers and could not access their thoughts and ideas directly. 🙏🏼 May Allāh, the Exalted, open upon us the treasuries of His knowledge and grant us the Tawfīq to strive for the elevation and grandeur of His religion. @talabekhariji
Dua Kumail SOQ.m4a
💠 قرائت دعای کمیل همراه روضه خوانی 🔸 زبان / عربی، انگلیسی 🔹مراسم هفتگی Students of Qom @talabekhariji
They told me There's refuge For sinners At this door Dont break me Please take me You're the one I adore I plead by That rose Between the wall And the door Most kind one! By Zahra Oh Master; I implore! @talabekhariji
🔹What Blessings do Eastern Muslims take for Granted?🔹 ↔️ One of the differences between many Muslims who live in the West and Muslims who live in Eastern Muslim majority countries is that Muslims who live in Western lands often appreciate the blessings of residing in a Muslim majority country more than Muslims raised in those countries. ☑️ They are thankful for the small things which a Muslim society offers them, while Muslims who live in Muslim majority countries often take these blessings for granted. 🗣 For example, hearing the sound of the Adhān - which Eastern Muslims are accustomed to hearing every day - brings great delight to a Western Muslim when he hears it. 💦 Or having running water in public washrooms in order to cleanse oneself with ease actually brings a Western Muslim great peace of mind! 🕌 Or knowing that when one travels, there will always be a mosque or a prayer room in which one can offer his prayers. 👁 Or knowing that a person will not see nakedness when they step out of their house... 🧕🏼 Or knowing that one won't be sworn at or abused for observing the Islamic Hijab ✅ Or being able to buy meat from wherever one pleases without having to worry whether it is Halāl or not 🔆 And a thousand other examples... 🙏🏼 I ask my Eastern Muslim friends... how many times have you said 'Alhamdulillāh' for these blessings? @talabekhariji
🔸---------------یا حسین---------------🔸 Wished to protect you... but I couldn't I told them 'leave!'... but they wouldn't I cried out 'stop!'... but he didn't I want to scream... but I shouldn't 🔸---------------یا حسین---------------🔸 @talabekhariji
By Allah if my right hand you sever I will protect my religion forever And loyally defend the truthful leader The grandson of Allah's final messenger ص @talabekhariji
🏴_________يا حسين_________🏴 Oh Night! Your hours lengthen! My heart please let me strengthen! Oh Dawn! Show not your colour! Sunrise! Bring not your hour! @talabekhariji
🤔 Why was I Born in the Western World? 🤔 🤩 One of the things that never ceases to amaze me is to what extent many Iranians are mesmerised by the West. Even many of the religious ones. 📺 The incredible thing is that none of them have actually seen the west. All they know about the West is what they have seen in dramas, movies, serials or on the internet. Yet so many Iranians speak about the West with such decisive authority, as if they be the president of a Western nation. 😳 When I tell Iranians that I was born and raised in the UK their first reaction is disbelief. 🗣 'But you're originally Iranian,' they tell me! 👳🏻‍♂To which I reply, 'no, I'm not. Actually I don't have any Iranian roots. And I'm the only one in my family who speaks Persian' 🤯 Their shock increases. I think if they were about to die the shock of hearing that a non Iranian from a Western country came to study in Hawza and learned Persian, would be enough to bring them to life! 🗣'So in what language do you speak to your parents?' 👳🏻‍♂ 'English' 🗣 'But why did you leave? What made you come?' ✅ This is the question I always await. Because at that moment the heart of the person asking is ready to actually hear the truth from someone who is actually from the Western world. 🙈 Since I was a kid I always dreamed of living in the Islamic world. I sometimes wonder what wisdom there could be in Allah having placed me in the Western world. Maybe this is one of them. Maybe I can play a role in awakening my brothers and sisters in the Islamic world about the blessings of Islam and the ugly realities of Western society. 🙏🏼 In any case, Alhamdulillah. 🔹الحمد لله علی کل نعمة 🔸والحمد لله على كل حال @talabekhariji
Part 1 _ Quran Family Jalasah Shaban 1 1433.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠 ◽️Session 1◽️ ▪️Part 1▪️ @talabekhariji
Part 2 _ Quran Family Jalasah Shaban 1 1433.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠 ◽️Session 1◽️ ▪️Part 2▪️ @talabekhariji
Part 3 _ Quran Family Jalasah Shaban 1 1433.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠 ◽️Session 1◽️ ▪️Part 3▪️ @talabekhariji
🌐 The Blessing of Travelling... and its Challenges 🌐 🌍 One of the natural results of travelling the world is becoming acquainted with different ways of thinking, living, and being. Different lifestyles, perspectives, and behaviours. This is extremely healthy as it opens one's mind. It challenges the ideas that you believe to be absolutely true. It makes you rethink the prejudices you unknowingly carry within. It provides a golden opportunity for self reflection and internal introspection. Maybe this is one of the reasons that travelling the world is encouraged in the Quran and the Narrations. ✈️ Alhamdulillah, I've been graced with opportunities to travel and see different countries. Having relatives in different parts of the world assists in this process! I've also been graced to know more than one language and learn languages to which I had no connection in the past; this has opened new worlds to me, worlds that I could never have known without learning the languages that preside over them. 🍁 However, while these are certainly huge blessings... they have also posed a very interesting challenge. And that is being able to relate to individuals whose world is extremely small and narrow. Individuals whose horizon stretches only to the extent of their mundane daily routines... yet have subconsciously come to believe that there is nothing that lies behind that horizon. 🤬They live with the thoughts, beliefs, perspectives and prejudices with which their society has filled them, believing those to be unchallengeable rules that govern existence. And anyone who breaks them, who doesn't fit in to their narrow vision of what the world is, is considered weird, strange, an outcast. 🙄 How do you relate to such individuals? Do you ignore the bright horizons and visions that you have been shown, pretending to be blind, only in order to fit in? Or do you speak about them, while risking being considered insane? 💁🏽‍♂ But one thing is for sure: while travelling the world physically certainly assists in opening one's mind, it is definitely not a prerequisite. I have been astounded to meet people who, while they may never have left their locality physically, carry within them immensely elevated ideas, free from unfounded assumptions and prejudices. 🚫 They reject many of the social norms and trends of thought which they are expected to follow, and dare to think for themselves. Being with such people is water to my soul, a soul that is thisty to find someone to whom it can converse freely and share ideas boldly. ☑️ It goes to show that what matters most is the internal journey, not the external one. These people stand as living proof that the inability to travel is not an impediment to having an open mind... and thus no human being can blame their social conditions for never making the journey to enlightenment. @talabekhariji
Session 2 Part 1 Quran Family Jalasah.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠 ◽️Session 2◽️ ▪️Part 1▪️ @talabekhariji
Session 2 Part 2 Quran Family Jalasah.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠 ◽️Session 2◽️ ▪️Part 2▪️ @talabekhariji
Session 2 Part 3 Quran Family Jalasah.mp3
💠 Quran Discussion 💠 ◽️Session 2◽️ ▪️Part 3▪️ @talabekhariji
🌺 For the Martyrs of Peshawar and Qatif 🌺 🔹Between Peshawar and Qatif Grant me a few days of relief Enough to bury the bodies For hearts to burn in disbelief 🔹The martyrs now rested in ease Flying free like the morning breeze A shattered flacon's pure pieces Returned to their sweet families 🔹Between the saviour and Hussain Twelve nights to burn with love and pain Oh he too sacred to be named! Return once more to us again @talabekhariji
🌆 A Blessed Evening in Najaf🌆 ▪️17 Sha'bān 1443 H ▪️21 March 2022 👳🏽‍♂This evening Shaykh AliRidha came to meet me. He gifted me a most precious gift: a copy of the book Kāmilul Ziyārāt. We went together to visit the blessed shrine of Maitham at-Tammār رض, after which we visited Masjid al-Kūfah. He invited me to return with him to the city of Najaf and have dinner with him at the Madrassah, and I gladly accepted. 🚕We got down from the taxi somewhere close to the shrine of Sāfi Safā and he led me into an old alleyway. It was so narrow that there was only space for two people to walk side by side. About fifty meters in, he took out his keys. We had arrived at the Madrassah. 🚪I looked at the door. It looked as if it had gone through many battles and sustained a lot of injuries. It was old and creaky. He opened it and we entered a corridor. This was an incredibly old and dingy building and did not seem suitable for human residence. And it was here that many students of the Hawzah resided. 🔹He took me into a small room, which was where he slept alongside one other Hawzah student. At first I didn't feel very comfortable. 🗣After dinner, he began speaking to me about the issues that students faced. He wasn't complaining. He was speaking to a friend about matters that pained the heart. And after that, he mentioned the stories of some great 'Ulamā', and the patience they had in the face of great hardship. 😢My heart was moved. I had heard stories like these before but hearing them from someone who took inspiration from them to remain strong in the face of very similar hardships, had a very different effect on my heart. During this conversation my heart felt at ease, and that small dingy room became the most beloved place for me on planet earth. I didn't want to leave. 🧔🏻My heart began aching as I thought of the purity of young Hawzah students who decided to leave behind prospects of wealth and material gain, for the sake of a promise they had never witnessed, and for the sake of a beloved they had never seen. 🔸Why should such a pure soul have to go through all this? Why...? And the why's were too many to count... 😔I thought to myself: would that I could set aside everything in life and just serve the students of this religion. I thought of my friends in Qum, and the hardships they faced. Now I knew it was a similar story in Najaf... 💠My heart was moved. We went to visit the blessed shrine of the Commander of the Faithful ع. As we entered through the door, we came upon the grave of Shaykh Al-Ansārī ره. I remembered the story of when he and his family had nothing to eat, yet he refused to touch the Khums money that was present in his home. And he and his family slept hungry. This was while he was the supreme religious authority of his time. 🙏🏼This Ziyārah was special. I asked the Commander of the Faithful ع to make me a means of assistance to the sincere students of this religion, and to let be a means of help and support for them. And I'm certain that this request shall be granted; I look forward to seeing how. ☑️This was a truly blessed evening. 🔺The picture above is the resting place of Shaykh al-Ansāri ره at one of the entrances to the blessed courtyard of the shrine of Imam 'Ali ع🔺 @talabekhariji