Two colleagues are talking ...
Colleague 1: I can't believe that we are supposed to just accept a ten percent pay cut.
Colleague 2: The company is in trouble. Would you rather accept a pay cut or lose your job?
Colleague 1: Well, since I really need this job, I suppose I will just have to resign myself to a pay cut.
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A mother is talking with her child ...
Child: But I don't like this food.
Mother: Too bad. It is all there is. You will sit there and finish your meal. You may as well resign yourself to eating your dinner. You really do not have a choice.
Child: And if I don't eat?
Mother: You will be sitting there all night.
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Two colleagues are talking ...
Colleague 1: Where's Norbert?
Colleague 2: He walked out on us.
Colleague 1: Seriously? He quit his job without notice?
Colleague 2: Yes. He just picked up his personal effects and wished us luck with our emergency situation and left.
Colleague 1: But Norbert was an integral part of the team. There are some functions that no one else knows how to do. How could he leave us in the lurch like that?
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