#نمط_الحیاة_الإسلامية https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32 ✅ #رسول_الله (ص): "حَقٌّ لِلّهِ عَلى كُل
✅ The holy #Prophet_Muhammad (S.A.W.W) :
"It is the right of Allah upon every Moslim that he should wash his head and body [at least] once in every seven days." (1)
✅ #Imam_Ali the Commander of the Believers (p.b.u.h) :
"Clean yourselves with water to eliminate annoying smells, take care of yourselves(pay attention to your cleanliness) for Allah dislikes his dirty servants those who keeps them off every person that sits with them." (2)
(1) Al-Jâmi' As-Saghir\ 1\ p:579
(2) al_Khisal\ p:620
💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐