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"و هُم مِن السّاعةِ مُشفِقون" هدف عمل به وظیفه است... و یقین داریم آنچه میدانیم در مقابل آنچه نمیدانیم مثل قطره ای از اقیانوس است والله المستعان طلبه ای در قم محمد صالح مشفقی پور طالقانی👇 (https://eitaa.com/MoshfeghipourSaleh )
مشاهده در ایتا
Islam has given much importance to reflection and rational , so that we can see in holy (the holy book of the moslems) close to 300 invitations for thinking and pondering. al_Mujtaba(the 2nd Imam of all moslems p.b.u.h) : " the origin of all good and blessings is contemplation. " 🌹 ✅What should we think about? For example we can think about: ➡️ the results of our deeds and activitis.( ) ➡️ the creation of man and its wonders and elegance. ➡️ the gifts and blessings that God gave us. ✅ A person who is not a thinker, a person who doesn't think before his activities, then he doesn't follow the Islamic lifestyle. https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/8 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐
🌸Learn today lead tomorrow🌸 Islam calls its followers to seek knowledge all the times. The Islam's emphasis on is undeniable. ✅But which sciences should we learn? Amir al-Mu'minin (the 1st Imam of all moslems p.b.u.h) : "The best things for juvenile are things that they need to, when they become men (when they grow up)." 🌹 ✅Useful sciences such as: ➡️ The science of religion (Beliefs, Hadith, Quran, Religious Jurisprudence ,etc) ➡️ professions (Agriculture, Gardening, Fishery, etc) ➡️ Religious poems ➡️ some skills etc. ✅ And this is important for Islamic society to pay attention to in education. (a) https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/8 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐
✅the etiquette of teaching and learning: ➡️Learning from scholars and qualified people ➡️Patience and endurance ➡️Not be embarrassed ➡️Flattery is permissible ➡️Avoid the mundane motivations ➡️Writing ➡️Inquiring and questioning ➡️Teaching to others ➡️Equality in teaching ➡️Easy teaching ,etc ✅Whatever you reward the , it's little... Do you believe that (the 3rd Imam of all moslems p.b.u.h) awarded one thousand dinars and one thousand garments to a person who taught just Al_Hamd to one of his children? He filled his mouth with pearls,too. And when he was asked about that, " This gift is nothing in comparison with his gift." he answerd. 🌹 (b) https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/8 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐
#نمط_الحیاة_الإسلامية إهتمام الإسلام و إهمال المسلمين من يعرف الإسلام و مصادر التشريع الإسلامي و ل
Attention of Islam, inattention of Moslems A person who has a little familiarity with Islam and its sources, understands that Islam pays attention to and and has a plan for both of them. The for this world and the next is a subject that has frequently mentioned in Quran and traditions. ✅It is interesting to know that traditions(Ahadith) have counted trying to earn the lawful daily bread as a better worship(1) and they express that its recompense is more than the recompense of Jihad(holy war) in the way of Allah.(2) ✅The Imams of Islam(p.b.u.t), even the previous Prophets(p.b.u.t) were workers and diligents. ✅Three points about the work and effort: 1. The necessity of .(3) 2. so that there is no waking up early in the way of Allah better than waking up early to earn daily bread for the family.(4) 3. because it harms the religion and the life in this world.(5) -------------------------- (1)al_Kafi\5\p:78. (2)al_Kafi\5\p:88. (3)al_Kafi\5\p:87. (4)Daaim al_islam\2\p:15. (5)Tuhaf al-Uqul\p:300. https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/8 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐
#نمط_الحیاة_الإسلامية https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/26 #النعمة_المجهولة... (1) وفقا لتعليمات الإ
https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/26 (1) In accordance with Islamic teachings the human body and its parts are from and There is no faith for the one who has no and misappropriates the trust.(2) ✅ In addition to Quran and traditions, the human intellect commands him to protect his health,too. Because he needs a sound body for his both . And how beautiful, (the 6th Imam of all moslems p.b.u.h) says about this blessing: " is a hidden blessing, when it is found, it is forgotten; and when it is lost, it is remembered."(3) 🌹 ✅ The prohibition of if there is no intellectual motivation_ is completely obvious. This harming the body is counted in traditions(rewayat) as (that it's a great sin.)(4) (a) -------------------------- (1)Rozat-al-waezin\2\p:472 (2)mosouat ahadith Ahl al_beyt\8\p:371 (3)Bihar al_anwar\81\p:172 (4)al_Kafi\4\p:53 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐
Some of the causes of mental and physical health and soundness are: ➡️ Nutrition ( , , , etc)(1) ➡️ Observance of ➡️ (2) ➡️ (3) ➡️ (4) ➡️ Resting and appropriate (5) ,etc (b) -------------------------- (1) Makarem al- Akhlaq\ p:146 (2) Man lā yahduruhu al-Faqīh\ 2\ p:265 (3) Tahdhib al-Ahkam\ 2\ p:121 (4) Tuhaf al-Uqul\ p:223 (5)Bihar al_anwar\59\p:316 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐 https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32
#نمط_الحیاة_الإسلامية https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32 عدة ملاحظات ✅ وفقا لروایات الأئمة المعصوم
Several points ✅ In accordance with traditions (Ahadith) of The 14 infallibles, the and diseases are two different kinds: 1. Material causes (like some foods, bad habits,etc) 2. Immaterial causes(like committing some sins, etc) ✅ There are a lot of in that explain and express various types of medicines and different remedies and treatments. Naturally, mentioning these traditions in detail, requires competence and expertise in this regard. Hoping for a day to see the in world through the determination of moslems. ✅ In remedies maybe we can obtain and realize a from the traditions: "There is no (shifa) in forbidden substances (Haram)"🌹 (1) ✅ We're looking forward eagerly to a day that _that provide the and the felicity of people in this world and the next_ are performed in all over the world not just in the Islamic countries. (c) -------------------------- (1) al_Kafi\8\p:193 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐 https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32
#نمط_الحیاة_الإسلامية https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32 أهمية النظافة في #الإسلام ✅ #رسول_الله (
The importance of Cleanliness in ✅ The holy (S.A.W.W) : "Be clean in every way you can because Allah built Islam on cleanliness and only the clean people can enter Paradise(Jannah)." (1) ✅ The holy (S.A.W.W) : "Surely Islam is clean. Therefore, you should keep yourselves clean." (2) ✅ The holy (S.A.W.W) : "Cleanliness is from faith(Emaan) and [both of] the faith and its holder are in paradise." (3) ✅ The holy (S.A.W.W) : "Surely Allah loves a clean worshiper." (4) ✅ the Commander of the Believers (p.b.u.h) : "Allah dislikes his dirty servants those who keeps them off every person that sits with them." (5) ✅ (the 8th Imam of all moslems p.b.u.h) : "Cleanliness is one of the Ethics of The Prophets." (6) (a) -------------------------- (1) Mizan al_Hikmah\ p:3303 (2) Mizan al_Hikmah\ 4\ p:3303 (3) Bihar al-Anwar\ 59\ p:291 (4) Mizan al_Hikmah\ 4\ p:3303 (5) al_Khisal\ p:620 (6) al_Kafi\ 5 \p:567 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐 https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32
#نمط_الحیاة_الإسلامية https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32 ✅ #رسول_الله (ص): "حَقٌّ لِلّهِ عَلى كُل
✅ The holy (S.A.W.W) : "It is the right of Allah upon every Moslim that he should wash his head and body [at least] once in every seven days." (1) ✅ the Commander of the Believers (p.b.u.h) : "Clean yourselves with water to eliminate annoying smells, take care of yourselves(pay attention to your cleanliness) for Allah dislikes his dirty servants those who keeps them off every person that sits with them." (2) (1) (b) -------------------------- (1) Al-Jâmi' As-Saghir\ 1\ p:579 (2) al_Khisal\ p:620 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐 https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/32