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"و هُم مِن السّاعةِ مُشفِقون" هدف عمل به وظیفه است... و یقین داریم آنچه میدانیم در مقابل آنچه نمیدانیم مثل قطره ای از اقیانوس است والله المستعان طلبه ای در قم محمد صالح مشفقی پور طالقانی👇 (https://eitaa.com/MoshfeghipourSaleh )
مشاهده در ایتا
✅the etiquette of teaching and learning: ➡️Learning from scholars and qualified people ➡️Patience and endurance ➡️Not be embarrassed ➡️Flattery is permissible ➡️Avoid the mundane motivations ➡️Writing ➡️Inquiring and questioning ➡️Teaching to others ➡️Equality in teaching ➡️Easy teaching ,etc ✅Whatever you reward the , it's little... Do you believe that (the 3rd Imam of all moslems p.b.u.h) awarded one thousand dinars and one thousand garments to a person who taught just Al_Hamd to one of his children? He filled his mouth with pearls,too. And when he was asked about that, " This gift is nothing in comparison with his gift." he answerd. 🌹 (b) https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/8 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐
https://eitaa.com/Moshfeghoun2/43 عليه السلام: "اِعلَموا أنَّ حَوائِجَ النّاسِ إلَيكُم مِن نِعَمِ اللّه عَلَيكُم، فَلا تَمَلُّوا النِّعَمَ." (بحار الأنوار/ 74/ ص318) 🌹🌸🌺🌷🌹🌸🌺🌷 عليه السلام: "همانا درخواست هاى مردم از شما، نعمت های خداوند بر شماست پس از نعمت های الهی خسته نشوید." (بحار الأنوار/ 74/ ص318) 🌹🌸🌺🌷🌹🌸🌺🌷 (the 3rd Imam of all moslems p.b.u.h): "The fact that people need you is one of the blessings of Allah upon you. Therefore, do not feel any grievance against it." (Bihar al-Anwar\ 74\ p:318) 🌹🌸🌺🌷🌹🌸🌺🌷 💎 @Moshfeghoun 💐