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مشاهده در ایتا
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #chahkouh #strait #qeshm #island There's a #wonderful #valley in the #eastern part of the #qeshm #island and visitors are #amazed by its #special seeings When you step in #chahkouh this #natural #phenomenon #welcomes you with a #wide #vally with high #walls that #surround you and don’t let you to see the #sky so there’s a little #light in #chahkouh While you are going forward the #width is #decreased until you can go through it #hardly in some parts, the #width of the #valley is #decreased to #less than 50 #centimeters if you are #rock_climbing #fan and you are #familiar with its #first #rules you should #pack your #equipment in the #trip to #chahkouh if you want to #experience #different #rock_climbing because some parts of the #valley are #available just for #rock_climbers it is said that you #just see a #little #piece of the #sky in #chahkouh #strait but this #little #part is #really #spectacular #stars #sparkling makes #chahkouh #strait #really #beautiful when you look at the #sky you see a #chandelier which takes you to a #different #world لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #time_museum #tehran This #museum is found as #the_first #clock_museum of #iran in #zaferaniyeh #street in #tehran around 16 #years ago This #structure is the #house of #hossein_khodadad ( #iranian #businessman , #artisan , #entrepreneur ). the #museum #structure has 700 #square_meters area and it was built in 600 thousand #square_meters #beautiful #garden #old #clocks from 17th to 20th #century are found #inside the #museum , too the #first_floor is used for keeping #mechanical #clocks like as #pendulum #clock and #etc that each one shows #art and #industry #individually and we can find out that #details were very #important in the #past the #second_floor is used to #keep a #collection of #different #watches that some of them were for #celebrities and some of them had #special #usages like as the #first #card_clock in #iran one of the #most #interesting parts of this #museum is used for showing #important #calendars from all over the #world with some #samples of #simple and #ancient #calendars and introducing #famous #calendar_writers , #astrolabes , #time #evaluating #tools , and #even there is a #model of #bistoon #inscription , the #oldest #iranian #document
is one of the of that isn’t a lot - the in - is through this the of the allows you to there and make this and and along this increases its there are in , which are and . the is that water pours from 100 meters high in the and which and all with 40 thousand hectare area contains which a quarter of this area is . this is in of an who takes of there in 1931 this has lots of like; , , , , , , and also like; , , , , , , and channel link 👈 @ajs_org
this is located in a area and shows you this is the for after during the structure in 2005, remains of some were find between two parts of the of the which might be ’s and because the narrates told they were being kept in this has two the that there is a balcony on 4 columns on top it for the group for the that you can see the outside it of the : the 16 sides لینک کانال 👈 @ajs_org
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #lipar_lagoon #chabahar #sistan_and_balochestan #chabahar #lipar_lagoon that is known as #chabahar #pink_lagoon is one of the #specific #natural #attractions of #iran and it is #different from the other #lagoons and #lakes because of its #pink color this #lagoon is located in a #rocky valley that looks at the mountain on the #chabahar-gwadar #coastal_road on the #beach of the #gulf_of_oman this #lagoon’s #pink color due to its a lot of #plant_plankton up until now, 93 kinds of #plant_plankton 31 groups #animal_plankton 64 types of different #shellfish 85 kinds of fish 24 types of #hard-shell 14 kinds of #meiobenthos And 46 different kinds of #algae are recognised in this #lagoon channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org