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اندیشمندان جوان سپنتا
217 دنبال‌کننده
2.5هزار عکس
139 ویدیو
15 فایل
کد شامد 1-2-736791-61-0-10 Andishmandan Javan Sepanta Tel: +98 (26) 34 81 92 10 +98 (26) 34 82 41 70 SMS: 1000 26 34 81 92 10 Web: https://ajs.org.ir e-mail: info@ajs.org.ir Channel Admin: @ajs_org_ir
مشاهده در ایتا
is one of the of that isn’t a lot - the in - is through this the of the allows you to there and make this and and along this increases its there are in , which are and . the is that water pours from 100 meters high in the and which and all with 40 thousand hectare area contains which a quarter of this area is . this is in of an who takes of there in 1931 this has lots of like; , , , , , , and also like; , , , , , , and channel link 👈 @ajs_org
#visit_iran #visit_paradise #tribes_camp #meshgin_shahr #ardabil #specific #tourist #area , which is located in #sabalan #green hillside, is near #gourgour #waterfall and #hot-water #spring that are the #most_famous #tourist #attractions of the #town The #camp first phase contains #accomodation #suites #restaurant #traditional #tea_house ( #iranian #coffee_shop / #coffee_bar ) #facilities for #staying in #tribes' #alcoves #horseback_riding #bicycling #asheghlar ( #azeri_singer ) #live_music #performance And . . . is used. #tribes #eco-camp in #sabalan #magical hillside was designed and built based on #traditional and modern #architecture with local stones and the historical and cultural #azeris of #iran in 5 hectares area and tried not to #destroy the environment channel link 👉🏻 @ajs_org